Monday, March 26, 2007

It's about time...And a lil GA...

Well, I just popped in to have a gander "over there" and lo and behold...

Lady Heather's due back...Finally...

It's about damned time...

I'm not going to gloat...Who knows what TPTB have in store for her?...The way things have been going, I'm taking a "wait & see" attitude...

But I'm thrilled she'll be back and I hope Sara gets to meet her...

In other news:

What are they inhaling over at Grey's Anatomy writer's headquarters???...

George and Izzie???...

I certainly hope Izzie doesn't pop up pregnant after that night of drunken hot monkey sex...Sheesh...

Am I the only one loving Alex right now?...What a sweetie he's being to poor Jane Doe...And not in an icky way, but in a sincere way...

Love thier interraction and affection...

Well, gotta go oil the whips and sort the chains,

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