Sunday, September 03, 2006


As I've worked on the AnybodyButSara website & spoken with other CSI fans similarly disappointed with the current plotline, I've been approached by many in the GSR (Grissom/Sara romance) community who resent my making the AnybodyButSara blog and've decided to address things they've said to me in the following

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)...

Are the AnybodyButSara blog or "anti-GSR"?

The AnybodyButSara blog and are decidedly NON-GSR & NON-Sara...The focus is on any CSI character except the character of Sara...

Isn't that unfair?

No...There are numerous places that focus on that character...We choose not to do so...

Why do you hate Jorja Fox?

I don't hate Jorja Fox...She is an actress whose job it is to play a fictional character on a TV show...

Why do you hate the character of Sara Sidle?

"Hate" is a very strong word to apply to a fictional character on a TV show...Let's just say that I dislike the character immensely...Why?...I feel that the way the character is written sends the message that if a woman sulkily waits around long enough for a man who has repeatedly sidestepped her advances & is ignoring her, "he'll come around"...I think that's a ridiculous message to send out...

What annoys you most about Sara?

I find it annoying that the writers increasingly made her drab, boring, judgemental, whiny and generally unpleasant...A collosal waste of Jorja Fox as an actress, in my opinion...

Why do you hate the GSR community?

I don't hate the GSR community...But I do find some things about the GSR community rather annoying...

What annoys you most about GSR?

A few things actually...One of which is the widely held GSR belief that the character of Grissom somehow mistreated Sara...She asked him out, he declined...Big deal...

She continued to persue him, he continued to decline...(Get a clue, Sara!...He's just not that into you!...Sheesh...)

And now, suddenly, after all the "cat & mouse" the writers have played with this plotline, the Season 6 final moments imply they're not only "together", but its "not so new"...WTF???...

I don't care about the age difference...He's not her father...Many couples have successful May/December relationships...

I don't care about him being her boss...Workplace romance isn't new...Many couples have successful workplace romances...

I care about continuity and the fact that I felt jerked around by the writers...

Many GSRs argue that "GSR was always on the horizon"...Yes, I get that...Unfortunately, it was executed very poorly...Whatever...I'm bitter...Deal with it...

And hearing "Its CANON!!!" squealed repeatedly doesn't make me feel any less bitter...

I think the thing I find most annoying about certain factions in the GSR community is that I've noticed an overwhelming intolerance & a need to bully...There are other "ships" for the CSI fandom, but some in the GSR community seem to find it necessary to seek out those, like myself, who don't share thier views and try to browbeat them into either shutting up or changing thier minds...I resent that...

Many also like to say, "ABSers or anti-GSRs, why can't they just accept that its canon and just shut up?...Its ONLY a TV show! Get a LIFE!!!"...

My reply is, "If its canon and that makes YOU happy, why can't GSRs just accept that not everyone feels that way and that everyone is entitled to thier own feelings & opinions and stop harrassing those who don't ship GSR?"...

I seriously doubt all GSRs would "just accept it and shut up" if a non-GSR ship was sailing...Oh, sure its not so bad when NO ship is sailing, but if a non-GSR ship had set sail GSRs would've had hissy fits, too...They can pretend to be more mature simply because "Its CANON!"...Whatever...

Are you willing to debate GSR?

I have been and continue to debate GSR on various forums and privately...However, I'm undecided on whether I will allow GSR debate to go on here at the AnybodyButSara blog or would be nice to carry out mature debate & discussion, but I'm not of the temperment to allow the GSR bullying I've seen go on at other forums...We'll see...If enough people want it, I might consider adding that, though...

Are GSRs welcome here?

Yes...If they can enjoy the blog & website as they are presented (with a non-Sara focus), they are welcome...

But the AnybodyButSara blog and are "NO bullying zones"...Period...No negotiation...

I have ZERO tolerance for snark directed at:

1. Grissom (I don't care if you think he has wronged Sara...)
2. William Petersen OR Jorja Fox (They are just actors doing thier jobs...)
3. Other "ships" or other readers/posters (Don't like non-GSR?...You are entitled to your own opinion, just keep it respectful and in the area where "ship" debate is allowed...Otherwise, I don't want to see it or hear it...Period...No negotiation...)

GSR posts found in inappropriate areas will be considered SPAM and will result in your posts being removed...Period...No exceptions...

Personal attacks on other readers/posters will result in your posts being removed and you being banned...Period...No exceptions...

None of these are negotiable...Its simple, really...Don't be an ass...Play nicely...Or you will be unapologetically ousted...

Personally, I find myself with the type of personality that finds it nearly impossible to be insulted...So if you want to engage me in debate, great...If things escalate into disrespect, you will be warned...Continue and it might get ugly, depends on my mood...Show your ass and it might be gleefully handed to you on a platter with all the trimmings...

If these constraints will keep you from enjoying the AnybodyButSara blog or, tough...There are plenty of GSR related blogs & websites for you to enjoy...Seek them out...I'm not interested in GSR related whining about fairness...


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