Friday, September 15, 2006

CSI Season 7 starts 6 nights from tonight!...

Caught the Season 6 finale repeat last night with a clueless unsuspecting casual CSI watcher friend...Needless to say he was like, "Whoa! Where did that come from???"...

An entire summer hasn't lessened the sting...I don't care...I don't want to hear it...I'm not happy about it...But, oh well...No one can take my imagination from me...So if I have to live in the alternate universe of ABSer fan fiction to get through this crisis, so be it...

Speaking of which, I've started compiling a list of all the great ABSer parodies and other ship fics...There are some excellent writers out there in the CSI fandom...

If you want to suggest a fic, just lemme know...

In the meantime, I'll be counting down to September 21st...Yay!...


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