Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fan fiction..."Wimpy Grissom"...

This post was inspired by a recent conversation with a fellow ABSer who noted the trend in fan fiction for writers to insist on writing "Wimpy Grissom"...

Now, let me preface by stating, I realize Grissom is emotionally "shuttered"...That's part of his charm...He's always struck me as a man who, while able to form deep emotional attachments, relies on his intellect instead of his heart...There are many theories amoung fans as to why he does this...My theory is that Grissom isn't so much afraid to be hurt, but that he merely has been hurt and chooses to avoid it...Much like the child who has touched a hot oven and thereafter avoids touching it...I don't see him as pathological...I see him as a man who is curious and constantly learns from indulging his curiosity...

I've never seen Griss as a wimp...But I find these (mostly GSR) fics where he's all simpering & whimpering & whining & crying & scared to touch a woman & pathologically insecure & stuttery...Sorta pathetic...

Having said that, where have these fiction writers gotten the idea that he's merely a one dimensionally emotionally stunted committment phobe?...Um...Huh?...This is Griss we're talking about...Flirty, kink fascinated, smoldering, sexy Alpha-male Griss...I don't get it...Are they even watching the same show as I am???...

And they can't seem to decide if he's sexually repressed to the point of virginity OR sexually adventurous to the point of secret indulgence in fantasy of every sort of deep dark forboding kink (only with Sara, though...Argh...As if...)...

I don't know whether to be appalled or just shake my head and sigh...

Did I mention that many of the GSR community lambasts Lady Heather as a "psuedo-prostitute" or "whip weilding skank", yet there are a proliferation of fictions in which the very first thing they have Grissom do to Sara (with varying results) is to tie her up and immediately begin some version of very intense
BDSM "play"?...Considering how many times Sara has mentioned at "kinky" crimes scenes that the victims/perps are "freaks", I have a very hard time imagining she'd be as willing a participant as the writers envision...

All, in all, many of the GSR fan fictions I've read suffer from trying to write Grissom as a comparable romantic match for what is essentially a glorified "
MarySue" character...Therein lies the problem I see inherent in such a pairing...

Grissom is a complex, multi-layered character...Sara tends to be written by each writer as they see themselves...

No wonder it never rang true for me...


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