This was a very emotional episode for me...I really didn't like seeing Greg beaten up, but it was deeper than that...Griss summed it up best in the end when he talks about people not being ashamed anymore by anything they do and feeling they can not only do awful things, but not feel bad about them afterwards...
I was very moved by Sara at Greg's side...I've always liked thier friendship...Jorja Fox was dead-on with her portrayal...
Nick & Warrick played it very restrained...With an underlying intensity...Nice...
K-Fed (Kevin Federline aka Mr. Britney Spears) was actually not as bad as I'd thought he might be...If he takes acting classes, he might become a decent actor...Admittedly, I bring a bit of wariness to the table...But, hey...Ice T, Ice Cube, Mark & Donny Wahlberg and others have crossed from music to acting with success...Although, I don't think K-Fed has all that much talent in the music department, but your mileage may vary...
In other news...More snark from the uber canon couple this week...Most notably when Sara is kicking the crap out of a dummy to determine exactly how the crime was committed...Griss suggests she "pick on someone your own size"...She asks if he's volunteering...
Um...Riiiiight...Adult & mature snark, for sure...
I realize TPTB intend these interractions to be playful banter, but they simply come accross as passive-aggressive snark to me...Oh, well...Lately, I just tune in to get my Griss fix, then head on over to CSI:Miami for any shipping...
Speaking of which, I've never been much of a David Caruso fan...Until now...
First off, never been into guys with red hair, they remind me of Donny Most (Ralph Malph from Happy Days)...A few exceptions are Elliot from Thirtysomething (Timothy Busfield), loved his personality...Danny "BadBaby" Bonaduce from The Partridge Family, loved his sarcasm...And Ron Howard, c'mon it's Opie Taylor!...He was the cutest lil boy then and he's an amazing director now...
Secondly, I'm still annoyed from Caruso's NYPD Blue exit way back when he thought he was a gonna be a movie star...(What a maroon...*)...
But I've found myself lured to Miami and enjoying his performances more and more...His demeanor has softened and I suppose with age comes wisdom enough not to screw up this opportunity with behaving like a diva...
I like his character (Horatio Caine), it's solid...I reeeaaally like the cadence and timber of his voice, too...Not a bad face, decent build...Love the serious hands-on-hips stance and the now legendary "Sunglasses of Justice"...I can ignore the red hair...
One thing I've noticed that does disturb me is something obviously part of the character...Horatio tends to bond with lil kids...His character is especially compassionate to them and I've noticed that, more often than not, the recipients of his attention are lil girls...I get that TPTB have designed him as a decent upstanding non-pervy guy who has a genuine non-pervy soft spot for lil girls...Lots of men, Brad Pitt for one, have described lil girls as having them "wrapped around thier lil fingers"...I get it...And there's nothing wrong with that...Lil girls are quite fetching...I should know...I was a lil girl many [cough] many years ago...
But...David Caruso has a very sexy rumbly voice...And in the scenes where I'm vibing off his voice, it squicks me to see him talking all confidential and whispery to a lil girl...Especially in this day and age of increasingly pervy Jon-Benet type perving...
It's not David Caruso's fault that I feel this way...I realize he's not being inappropriate to the kid AT ALL...It's certainly not his fault he has that type of voice...It's just something I noticed and that I wish TPTB would pay a bit of attention to in the future...
Oh, yeah...And I hope they let Horatio and Yelena get together...Pleeeeeaaaaase...(I'm still catching up in reruns so I dunno if they do or not...)
That's it for now,
* Watch a classic Bugs Bunny cartoon to understand that reference...YUP, I'm old as dirt...LOL
Friday, October 13, 2006
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