Sunday, October 22, 2006


I'm finding myself in an odd place lately regarding CSI...

While I'm thoroughly enjoying CSI:Miami and David Caruso (make no mistake, Horatio is NO Grissom, but he is growing on me slowly), I'm finding something odd happening as I watch CSI:LV...This week's episode was interesting and the requisite GSR moments were minimal...But...I noticed that Season 7's Sara is more reminicent of the Sara from episode 102...

This is the gal Griss sent for to join him in Las Vegas...This is the gal I could've liked and rooted for all these years, not the waste of screen space TPTB forced down my throat from episode 103 until the Season 6 finale...

I feel even more cheated than ever...

I could've genuinely enjoyed this Sara...But it's too late now...Sorry PTB, my loyalty isn't so easily swayed...

So, make her nicer...Make her more mature and prettier and funnier and more confident...Make Griss "happy to be with her"...It won't matter to me anymore...I'll watch to see Griss, but I refuse to care one iota about this retro-Sara...

You taught me not to like her...Guess what?...It worked!...I don't like her...And more to the point, I won't like her...So there!...NeenerNeener...

I realized GSRs are mostly just happy to gloat that "It's Canon!" and are willing to keep any disappointment to themselves for fear that you, TPTB, might sink the canon ship, but they're faaar easier to please than I am it would seem...

Until next time,

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