Yeah...OK...For reasons I won't go into publicly, it has come to the attention of certain members of the Borg collective...Um, sorry...The "GSR"...That I own this blog...It's never been a secret, but that's not the point...
For the record, I post LOTS of places, in fandom and beyond, under a slew of screen names...I have forever and ever...And there isn't a whole lotta crossover...(Although Miss Cam recently "poked" me in greeting under another of my screen names at yet another forum...LOL...I use ellipses, ALOT, what can I say?)...
I mention this now because another place I post (and try like Hell not to stir sh*t, but it doesn't always work out that way), someone took exception to my opinion of Sara's less than intuitive behaviour towards Griss...At any rate, I saw my "warning level" had been raised so I approached a mod about it...Lotsa back & forth went on and we've come to what I think is a pretty decent compromise...I voluntarily offered not to post about Sara anywhere "over there", regardless of whether it's positive or negative for ANY reason whatsoever...I gave my word and I stand by my word...
However, I'd like to point out one of my biggest problems with GSR in general...And since I'm not putting that site on blast by mentioning them by name (although I hear there are those of your ilk that read here...why, I can't begin to fathom), I'll feel free to relax and state my opinion about what transpired...
This one mod seems like a nice enough gal...I don't know her, but I've dealt with her a coupla times and I think she tries to be fair...Here's the thing...I get called on "not liking Sara" and my assertion that Sara wasn't as nice as she could've been to Griss...OK, I can see how someone who does like her might not like that, but...Does my not liking her mean that what I SAY is necessarily untrue?...
I've seen GSRs posting that they simply love how Sara snarked at Griss in one way or another and how he "took it" and that's the sign, to them, that "they are truly equal" in this relationship...Um...I dunno whether to laugh or be appalled that there are people who see abusive behaviour "equal"...I suspect this isn't all GSRs who feel this way, in fact I know it's not all of them by the PMs I've gotten regarding this...But there is a certain faction that does harbour enourmous resentment towards Griss for not getting with Sara sooner...I've seen them post that he needs to "suffer" or be "punished" for "keeping Sara waiting"...Um...OK...That's pretty twisted...
You'd think, if Griss is so awful, they wouldn't want him touching Sara with his 10 foot pole...Erm...with A 10 foot pole...But no, he's so awful that they want no one else for Sara...This line of thinking has always reminded me of the unattractive guy who resents models, but would sell his eyeteeth to date one...Then, if he were ever so lucky as to get one, he'd verbally abuse her to 'get even"...Ah, true love at it's finest...
I also notice another trend in many GSRs' thinking...OK...They've never felt that Sara persued Griss overtly and beyond his running/hiding/avoiding her...Most GSRs say that he just "needed Sara to show HIM that he loved HER"...Um...STALKER talk...
OK...I know people who think this way...That thinking only works in fanfics...In the real world, when people run from you/avoid you/ignore you, it generally means they AREN'T in need of you proving to them that they really ARE in love with you...Seriously...It truly scares me, but yeah, I know some folks who think like that...(I keep trying to get them to read "He's Just Not That Into You")...
Well, now that "it's canon!!!", and Griss is going on a "stress-induced sabattical" to avoid his head exploding (and so WP can be in his play), these same gals want Sara to "pop up" where he's going for a romantic lil reunion...Uh Huh...
What is it about "I'm going AWAY because I'm STRESSED" that says to these gals "Pack your bags and join me!"???...He's LEAVING...Stop being so friggin' clingy and whiny!...If you're that uncertain that he won't come back, what should that tellya about the state of your "relationship"?...(Not to mention your state of mind in general)...Sheesh...
Repeat after me...
The saying goes as follows: "If you love something, let it go...If it comes back to you, it's yours...If it doesn't, it never was..."
"If you love something, let it go...If it comes back to you, it's yours...If it doesn't, HUNT IT DOWN..."
Learn it...Know it...Live it...
If a man (or woman, for that matter) needs to "go away to clear thier head" and they don't invite YOU, they obviously don't want YOU to go...What is so hard about that to understand?...Not everyone who walks away from a situation is looking over thier shoulder hoping they'll be persued and dragged back...Some folks really wanna go and come back when they're ready to deal with things again...It's not necessarily that they don't love you anymore, it's not necessarily that they won't come back...It might be, but not necessarily...It might just be that...Hmmm, let's see...IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU OR WHAT YOU WANT FOR A CHANGE...It might be about what THEY need...And what they need might not include YOU for half a damned second...I've never been in favour of "hop all over me 24/7 puppy tail-wagging" love...It's emotionally exhausting to have someone up your a$$ that far ALL the time...Fall back...Geez...
Anyway, where was I?...Oh, yeah...Just cuz I don't like Sara, does that mean that whatever I'm saying about her isn't true or valid?...
I gave the following example: If Sara's wearing a dress that doesn't fit her correctly and I say, "That dress doesn't fit her correctly...", am I "picking on Sara"?...Or simply stating a fact?...
I've noticed that the dress might be ugly as Hell, in a hideous colour and even GSRs are saying they HATE the very same dress AND the designer should be shot, but if I merely agree with what they're ALREADY saying, it's turned into "OMG, she HATES SARA!!!" or some even go as far as interpretting my comment as "DIE, GSR, DIE!!!"...Um...A bit unfair and borderline psycho if you ask me...
The way this mod explained it away was by saying that over the years, Sara has been criticized so much (I wonder why?) that the general concensus is that while GSRs might say Sara's a b*tch in a certain episode, ultimately they really like her so it's not "anti-Sara"...If I were to say the same thing, I'm saying it because I don't like her and nothing she does will ever please me...Um...Yeah...If the dress doesn't fit her, it doesn't fit her...Whatever...
In other words, the mother of an ugly baby can call it ugly, but no one else can or should?...OK, I get that...So, I agreed not to post ANYTHING about Sara "there"...
This mod and another pretty decent mod "there", to thier credit, didn't ban me from "there", but where my "warnings" were once zero, they were raised even higher than they had been when I originally approached them...I was told this was to flag me so other mods would be aware there had been an issue...I think it was a kneejerk reaction to feeling "betrayed" in some way by finding out I own this blog, but I left it up to them to be fair, so...[shrugs]...Understandable, I suppose...Although, up until then, they had removed my warnings entirely...Mebbe* one day I'll merit them being lowered to zero again...I don't see a banning or a high warning level as some sort of "I Hate Sara" badge of honour...I'm deeper than that...YMMV..., if you should hear a rumour about this situation, you'll know you got the real deal straight from me...
P.S. Please do NOT do any "avenging of my honour" on my behalf...It isn't necessary and I prefer you take the higher road...I'm kewl about all this...You be kewl** about it, too...OK?...
* YUP, "Mebbe"...
**And, "KEWL", cuz it's my blog and that's how I like to spell em...NeenerNeener...
Sunday, November 05, 2006
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