Am I the only one watching who sees the only difference in his life that might be the direct cause of such stress...SARA...???
Hullo???...Earth to Grissom!...
Let's calmly examine the EVIDENCE, shall we?...
For the past 7 years, Griss has seen everything he's seen so far this season...Murder, mayhem, child abuse, gore, unspeakable acts against nature...But suddenly he's so affected?...Nuh Uh...I'm not buying it...
Yes, those things would have a cummulative psychological effect, but...We've seen no previous evidence that Griss was at a breaking point until now???...And why, pray tell?...
The only difference is the addition of "GSR" to Griss' world...Suddenly he's having migraines back to back and that, in and of itself, wouldn't be so shocking...But what does the other half of this supposedly "mature adult relationship" offer in nearly every exchange we've seen thus far?...SNARK...
It could be passed off in the previous few episodes as "Oh, Sara's so comfortable & secure with him now that she PLAYFULLY snarks at him...And after all, she deserves to give him crap since she hung on so long..."
Um...OK, let's go waaay out on the limb of appropriate relationship behaviour...Say that the aforementioned is true...Last night's episode had Griss obviously in some sort of distress...It was blatant...You'd have to have been blind not to see it...It was PALPABLE in his every movement, for cryin' out loud!...
And does his "soulmate", the woman he went out of his way to bring a veggieburger to (unasked, btw), the woman who "hung in there for 6 years cuz she loves him sooo much", the woman who "knows him better than anyone else and can Geek mindmeld with", the woman who "now feels she's his equal" notice that he's practically about to pass out from the pain of yet another migraine???...
But she DOES notice that Griss is a bit snippy to Greg...And reprimands Griss in true ballbusting/selfabsorbed bitch fashion...Nice...
And she's so "in tune" with the guy she wanted sooo badly that she forfeited her dignity to "hang in there for" that he doesn't even share his obvious misery with her...He simply pops more medicine, finds a dark quiet office to lay down in and tries to make himself more comfortable...
ALONE...Poor Griss...
Griss explaining to the pedophile what someone who "truly loved" would do after seeing the boy in pain with a head trauma made me so sad that Griss didn't have that for himself... Well, at least Sara wasn't so selfish as to ply Griss with alcohol and take his shirt off, huh?...
Ah, the course of true love...
On a brighter note...When dealing with the pedophile du jour, Brass wins this week's Snark Award...

Fisher asks to use the bathroom and when he asks Brass if he should leave the door open, Brass says, "Nah, I'm too old for you..."
LOVED that!...
Until next time,
Where have you been? I have some AnyButSara fans who'd love you. I'm passing your link on to ever one of them.
Thank you...I had the comment feature turned off to avoid the temptation of any "GSR drivebys"...
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