Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh dear Lord...

I'd already been spoiled, but I held out hope that it wasn't true...


Apparently, it WAS true...

Review as soon as my stomach settles long enough to actually WATCH the trainwreck that was Season 8's opener, Dead Doll...

Stay tuned,


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Season 8...Finally!

Hey all!...

It's been a long Summer and as we all know, pretty soon we'll all find out if TPTB at CBS are a bunch of spineless wussies who'd let a highly organized group of rabid Sara fans dictate how they write thier show...or...whether they're smart enough to let her drown in the desert...

My fingers are crossed for her to drown...but your mileage may vary...LOL

At any rate, I'll continue to watch the sexybowleggedness that is Griss and not let The Drab One lessen my enjoyment...

Regardless of how all this plays out, I'll still continue to watch, read spoilers & the fics I adore "over there"...Things won't change much for me either way...

Well, that's not true...Due to "security issues" related to the Season 7 spoilering "over there", I did have to set up several new accounts over the Summer and let them all age naturally to achieve the newly implemented status required to see spoilers...But that's no biggie...

Random IPs from proxy servers are a wonderful thing, ain't they?...*YAWN*

Seeya after I watch the new episode!

BTW, there are several new shows I also want to give ya'll a heads-up on...Stay tuned...