Friday, March 30, 2007

Empty Eyes...and Grease...

OK, I'll do the obligatory first...Don't blink...

Lotsa pretty dead showgirls...Not good...

Sara...Dead pretty showgirl...

Sara...Not-so-dead pretty showgirl...Sara...[Yawn]

Sara and Warrick...Blah blah blah...

Sexybowleggedness that is Grissom...Blah blah blah...

Warrick and Ruby Dee AWESOMENESS...

Sara and Nick...Blah blah blah...

Sara...Blah blah blah...

Sara and Hodges...Blah blah blah...

Sara...Blah blah blah...

Sexybowleggedness that is Grissom and Greg...Blah blah blah...

Sara and victim who turns out to be killer of pretty dead showgirls...Blah blah blah...

Sara...Blah blah blah...

Sara sad...Blah blah blah...

Roll credits...


It might have been good...I don't know...

I tend to glaze over whenever Sara's onscreen...Yeah, I'm just that shallow...[shrugs]...So?...

But more importanly...




Wednesday, March 28, 2007


And yet another squeak from the peanut gallery...

Ah, well...This one's nickname says it all...

I really should go read a bit of fanfic, but watching the ants scurry frantically around the disturbed anthill has it's merits as well...

Choices, choices, choices,

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Batshittery "over there"...and an Estruscan lil girl with a chip...

Well, well, well...

The CSI:LV fanwank is up to 46 pages "over there"...

And now they're turning on one another...Including turning on the very ones providing them with spoilers...Ungrateful nitwits...

Um...And while I'm thinking about it...Aren't moderators supposed to keep the batshittery from escalating?...

Oh, wait...Nevermind...It's that one particular moderator in the middle of the fray...

She who isn't one of the spoiler providers, yet can be such a nasty bit of business...

She who really takes exception to the spelling of certain words, yet spells her nickname "cleverly" and despises "ellipse-abuse"...

She who I'm glad I don't know personally because I'd love nothing more than to give her a well-placed rap in the mouth...Her and the other 2 imbeciles...The one who also complains about the way words are spelled, and yet her nickname has an extra "f"...And the one who challenges and belittles every single solitary thought that anyone has, and these are people who supposedly are on the same side as her...Dumbasses, both...

And on a side note...Most recently, I find myself amused by a lil girl attempting to go toe-to-toe with moi...Unprovoked at that...

How precious...How precocious...How misguided...

Ah, but my Estruscan pet...You truly have no idea...Trust me...I'm not the one...

Up until now I've been only lazily toying with you out of boredom...Like a bored feline, basking in the sunshine, stretches and swats half-heartedly at the mouse silly enough to come too close...Because of where you've chosen to be so suddenly brave, I've merely swatted at you mockingly...Out of respect for the owner of the venue...

If you really want to play, lil one, put on your big girl undies and join me here...I think you'll find far more than you've bargained for...But, please, be a worthy opponent...[YAWN]

It'll be fun...I'll even put out a saucer of dip to go with that chip on your shoulder...


P.S. There ya go, dear heart...Consider yourself "handled"...

Monday, March 26, 2007

It's about time...And a lil GA...

Well, I just popped in to have a gander "over there" and lo and behold...

Lady Heather's due back...Finally...

It's about damned time...

I'm not going to gloat...Who knows what TPTB have in store for her?...The way things have been going, I'm taking a "wait & see" attitude...

But I'm thrilled she'll be back and I hope Sara gets to meet her...

In other news:

What are they inhaling over at Grey's Anatomy writer's headquarters???...

George and Izzie???...

I certainly hope Izzie doesn't pop up pregnant after that night of drunken hot monkey sex...Sheesh...

Am I the only one loving Alex right now?...What a sweetie he's being to poor Jane Doe...And not in an icky way, but in a sincere way...

Love thier interraction and affection...

Well, gotta go oil the whips and sort the chains,