Thursday, September 14, 2006

CSI Season 7 starts one week from tonight!...

I know, I know...I'm waiting with MANY reservations after that damned Season 6 finale nonsense, but...I can't help it...I'll be watching...

OK, I'll have one eye closed so I won't see Sara, but I will be watching...

What else is there to watch anyway?...I know nothing about Grey's Anatomy and doubt I'll bother seeing it until it goes into syndication at some point...And even with a gazillion cable channels, there's really never anything else on worth watching...


I've bought the microwave popcorn (Kettle, of course), a bottle of Coke classic, industrial sized Hershey's chocolate bar...I've already plumped up the pillows on the couch for a test run...And Thursday night I'll be glued to my TV...Waiting for a glimpse of sexybowleggedGrissomness......What else would I be doing on a Thursday night, but spending it with my sexy/geeky TV boyfriend & his pals?...

Sad and pathetic, I know...But he's sooo cuuute...


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