Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Argh...and a brief Anatomy lesson...

I've resisted the urge to post spoilers from 'over there" in the past...

I'm sooo tempted right now, but I'll resist...


I must say this or I'll explode...

It's comin' ya'll...Yet another Sara!Dysfunkshunal!MyPastRaisesIt'sUglyHead episode...

It's been hinted at for years, but it looks like TPTB have finally decided to expand upon the dreaded "Past"...

yay...[insert huge dollop of sarcasm]...

TPTB, TPTB, TPTB...tsk, tsk, tsk...

Let's see...Over the years they've made Sara anti-social, judgemental, a loose cannon...

Um...Oh, yeah...And a failed drunk...[Sorry, but one DWI and cough drops do not make a believable case for her ever really having an alcohol addiction]...

The only consistant character traits for Sara have been 1) hideous hair, makeup and fashion sense, 2) her craving for Griss, and 3) her "Past"...

Well, boys and girls, seems as if TPTB are about to go where no man has gone before...[insert longsuffering sigh]...

No, not there...THERE...

If they don't chicken out and water it waaay down, which would be consistant on thier part...

All I can say is, if she wasn't abducted by aliens when she was a kid this will all be anticlimactic in the extreme...

BTW, a dear friend has been bugging me forever to watch Grey's Anatomy, but it conflicted with my schedule up until now...

I gotta say, I'm pleasantly surprised...

I really like this show...

I had heard folks were jumping in and out of bed, but I haven't seen that yet...

I absolutely love Bailey and George, but Izzy is my hands down favourite...She's so sweet and kind and real...Loved how she got everyone to get past her lingerie layout...[thumbs up]

Anyway, now I understand what all the fuss has been about...Glad I tuned in...


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